Neoprene shorts

The BTTLNS Zelos 1.0 neoprene shorts were developed without emphasizing buoyancy and core support. With the neoprene shorts, you are able to train your technique and efficiency without relying on the extra buoyancy of premium neoprene shorts. The 2.0 mm in the crotch provides extra flexibility and that you will not experience irritation or friction. The SCS coating, 3/2 mm neoprene combination and the soft fit to the abdomen result in very a premium buoyancy shorts.
€74,95Your discount €10,- (Incl. VAT)

The BTTLNS Styx 1.0 Premium neoprene shorts offers the strongest buoyancy possible and will help you to improve your swimming technique on the most easy and efficient way. This premium short is developed with 5.0 mm NanoAerodome side panels and all panels are SCS coated offering two key features; maximum buoyancy and minimum drag through the water. Combined with flexible 3.0 mm neoprene on the inside of the legs and crotch area, so you will not experience any irritation, but will still get the right buoyancy on the right place.
€109,95Your discount €15,- (Incl. VAT)